Internet Access Controller - Allowed Web Sites

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Internet Access Controller - Allowed Web Sites:




The Allowed Web Sites List is used to specify sites that you would like to allow access to when the internet filter is ON / enabled.


- Use the "Add" button to enter a web site.

- Use the "Edit" button to edit a previous web site entry.

- Use the "Remove" button to remove it from the list.



TIP: Entering Web Sites

It is important to note the way Internet Access Controller handles a web site entry.  See the examples and explanations below:

This entry would result in the following:

If the user types in the browser's address bar it will be blocked.

The user must explicitly enter in the browser's address bar to be granted access.

This entry would result in the following:

If the user types in the browser's address bar it will be blocked.

The user must explicitly enter in the browser's address bar to be granted access.



This entry would result in the following:

If the user types, or  in the browser's address bar it will be allowed.

The asterisk (*) character, is a wild card character.



TIP: Linked Content

Many enterprise level web sites such as usually load some content for their web pages from other domain names.  For example: can load some images for it's web page from the domain name


Therefore, if we were to add the web site to the allowed web sites list and then open our web browser, we would most likely see that the page loads incorrectly or looks incomplete.  In this case, we will have to add the other domain names to the allowed list that google is referencing content from.


Now depending on your experience level, you may being saying to yourself "How am I supposed to figure out what other sites may be referenced in a web page?".  Normally this is very easy.  I am sure 99% of computer users are familiar with the missing image icon (the red X) when browsing online.


If a page does not load correctly after you have added it to the allowed web sites list, look for one of these missing image icons and then Right-Click on it.  Next, Select Properties from the popup menu.  Now you will see the domain name of the referenced image.  Now we can simply add this domain name to the allowed web sites list and refresh the web page.


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